Talent Training

Dedication to Children

The weekly nursery in Mirae-dong, Phyongchon District, Pyongyang, opened in November Juche 104 (2015) along with the inauguration of Mirae Scientists Street.

It is fully equipped with material and technical conditions for the upbringing and education of children. It has more than 20 nursing rooms with sleeping rooms, playing hall, wading pool, intelligent game room and infirmary, and about 400 paintings are fixed on the corridor walls.

Its nurses direct primary concern to bringing up the children in good health in the excellent nursery built under the care of the state.

They have worked out a timetable for learning songs and dances, basking in the sunshine, sleeping, playing and intelligent games in a way suitable to the psychological characteristics of children.

They pay special efforts to the health and nutrition management of children as their mothers would do.

Mindful of the saying that a habit acquired at three will remain until you turn eighty, they educate the children to develop the quality of loving and helping their friends and acquire good manners in their greetings and speech, as well as at table. 

They also help the children become interested in their nursery life while learning songs and dances and playing intellectual games.

The parents are very pleased to see their children grow fast in good health.