Medical Service

With Utmost Devotion to Children

“I came to him with a heavy heart and returned home with a light heart”—this is what all the mothers of the children treated by Kim Song Il, a pediatrician of the Songyo District Hospital, say in praise of him. 

Kim Song Il is a good pediatric doctor who deserves this praise.

Pediatrics is rather difficult as it deals with children. It is all the more so when it comes to babies, who complain their pain through crying. 

But Kim patiently finds out the correct cause of the pains of children and treats them, pleasing the children and their mothers.   

He says, “Children’s diseases are so pressing that a day’s delay would have serious effect on their life, especially in case of those less than 1 000 days old. A pediatrician must be able to judge in time the cause of the diseases by merely looking at their faces and listening to their cries.” 

In the past he invented several devices for the treatment of children and thereby contributed to recovering many serious cases. And he is combining traditional medicine with Western medicine in his treatment of children.  No wonder he is respected by all the residents of Songyo District.